LAT: Judge issues restraining order blocking Herb Wesson from serving on L.A. City Council

STAFF WRITER FEB. 24, 2022 11:25 AM PT
A Superior Court judge on Thursday blocked the city of Los Angeles from allowing former Councilman Herb Wesson to return to City Hall, handing a victory to a civil rights group and allies of Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas.
Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mary H. Strobel issued a temporary restraining order barring Wesson from participating as a council member until March 17, the next hearing on a lawsuit challenging his eligibility for the seat.
Wesson was sworn in Tuesday as a temporary replacement for Ridley-Thomas, who is fighting corruption charges and was suspended by his colleagues in October.
Strobel said the plaintiffs, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference of Southern California, along with a group of voters in Ridley-Thomas’ district, have a sufficient likelihood of prevailing in their argument that Wesson is legally barred from returning on an interim basis, since he has already served three terms — the maximum under the city’s term limit law.
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Daily News: Judge puts Herb Wesson’s appointment to LA City Council on hold
By ELIZABETH CHOU | | Daily NewsPUBLISHED: February 24, 2022 at 11:12 a.m. | UPDATED: February 24, 2022 at 11:35 a.m
Herb Wesson, a former termed-out Los Angeles City Councilman, will not be allowed to fill the council’s 10th district seat until March 27 at the earliest, despite being appointed by the City Council and sworn in earlier this week, according to representatives of plaintiffs in a lawsuit aimed at halting the appointment.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mary Strobel on Thursday, Feb. 24, granted a temporary restraining order that prevents Wesson from being seated until March 27 at the earliest. There will be a hearing on March 17, during which the city will need to show that there will be harm if the restraining order isn’t released.
John Sweeney, attorney for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference of Southern California, which filed the lawsuit challenging the appointment and Ridley-Thomas’ suspension said that during the March 17 hearing, the city will have to show why it believes it is legal for Wesson to fill Ridley-Thomas’ seat.
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